Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The News of the Not Fun

Guerilla News has a priceless commentary on the big vacuum where weapons of mass destruction were supposed to be in Iraq:
In the run-up to the war, every major daily and television network in the country parroted the White House’s asinine WMD claims for months on end, all but throwing their panties on stage the instant Colin Powell showed what appeared to be a grainy aerial picture of a pick-up truck to the U.N. Security Council.

Justice would seem to demand that a roughly equivalent amount of coverage be given to the truth, now that we know it (and we can officially call it the truth now, because even Bush admits it; previously the truth was just a gigantic, unendorsed pile of plainly obvious evidence). But that isn’t the way things work in America. We only cover things around the clock every day for four or five straight months when it’s fun.

O.J. was fun. Monica Lewinsky was fun. “America’s New War” was fun – there was a war at the end of that rainbow. But “We All Totally Fucked Up” is not fun. You can’t make a whole new set of TV graphics for “We All Totally Fucked Up.” There is no obvious location where Wolf Blitzer can do a somber, grimacing “We All Totally Fucked Up” live shot (above an “Operation We All Totally Fucked Up” bug in the corner of the screen). Hundreds of reporters cannot rush to stores to buy special khakis or rain slickers or Kevlar vests in preparation for “We All Totally Fucked Up.” They would have to wear their own clothes and stand, not in front of burning tanks or smashed Indonesian hovels, but in front of their own apartments.
The staff of Boring Diatribe are still here, standing in front of our houses, but our TV graphics say "We Told You So."


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